Hello, I'm Siobhan

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Coming Soon:
Sunflower Shin Splints

The debut collection of poetry and prose, illustrating the topics of love, abusive relationships, trauma healing, and human connection.

Author, Activist, and All Around Badass

The first thing I ever wanted to be other than a member of the Spice Girls was a storyteller. I’ve been writing since I was young and using the written word to express my dreams, pain, and healing.

My Community

I am the mother of three absolutely amazing humans and a proud member of the queer community. As a result, I feel a strong calling to advocacy and activism.

Join My Journey

Publishing my own work has been a dream for as long as I have been writing and to be on the precipice of that dream becoming a reality is surreal and terrifying. Please follow my socials for upcoming release dates and public reading dates.